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System name : 

Coordinator for the Combating of Terrorism 


System location: 

Department of State, 2201 C Street NW, 

Washington, DC 20520. 

Categories of individuals covered by the 


American citizens involved in terrorist incidents. 
Categories of records in the system: 

Case files. 

Authority for maintenance of the system: 

Presidential Memorandum of September 25, 
1972 establishing a Cabinet Committee to 
Combat Terrorism and under it a Working 

Routine uses of records maintained in the 
system, including categories of users and the 
purposes of such uses : 

These records are maintained to (1) help 
maintain an effective response to the 
international terrorism problem; (2) use as 
guidelines in cases of future terrorist incidents; 
and (3) answer correspondence of the 
Department of State as may be required in the 
performance of their official duties. The Office 
of the Coordinator of Combating Terrorism has 
contracted with the Rand Corporation a study of 
hostage situations involving American and other 
officials. In the course of the study, records were 
made available to Rand. The records may also be 
used by other outside research contractors having 
the necessary clearance for studies related to 
aspects of international terrorism. The 
information may also be released to other 
government agencies having statutory or other 
lawful authority to maintain such information. 
Also see "Routine Uses" paragraphs of Prefatory 

Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, 
accessing, retaining, and disposing of records 
in the system: 

Hard copy. 

By individual name. 
Safeguards : 

All employees of the Department of State have 
undergone a thorough background security 
investigation. Access to the Department of State 
building and its annexes is controlled by security 
guards, and admission is limited to those 
individuals possessing a valid identification card 
or individuals under proper escort. All records 

containing personal information are maintained, 
in secured file cabinets or in restricted areas, 
access to which is limited to authorized 

Retention and disposal : 

Retention of these records is indefinite. They are 
retired or destroyed in accordance with published 
schedules of the Department of State. More 
specific information may be obtained by writing 
the Director, Foreign Affairs Document and 
Reference Center, Room 1239, Department of 
State, 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 

System manager(s) and address: 

Special Assistant to the Secretary and 
Coordinator for Combating Terrorism Room 
5243 A, Department of State, 2201 C Street NW, 
Washington DC 20520. 
Notification procedure: 
Individuals who have reason to believe that the 
Office of the Coordinator for Combating 
Terrorism might have records pertaining to them 
should write to the Director, Foreign Affairs 
Document and Reference Center, Room 1239, 
Department of State, 2201 C Street NW, 
Washington, DC 20250. The individual must 
specify that he/she wishes the records of the 
Office of the Coordinator for Combating 
Terrorism to be checked. At a minimum, the 
individual must include: Name; date and place of 
birth; current mailing address and zip code; 
signature; a brief description of the 
circumstances, including the approximate dates, 
which give the individual cause to believe that 
the Office of the Coordinator for the Combating 
of Terrorism might have records pertaining to 

Record access procedures : 

Individuals who wish to gain access to or amend 
records pertaining to themselves should write to 
the Director, Foreign Affairs Document and 
Reference Center (address above). 
Contesting record procedures : 
(See above). 

Record source categories: 

Departmental personnel and medical records; 
family, friends, colleagues of the individual; 
intelligence agencies. 

Systems exempted from certain provisions of 
the act: 

Certain records contained within this system of 
records are exempted from 5 U.S.C. 552a (c)(3), 
(d), (e)(1), (e)(4)(G), (H), and (I) and (f). See 
Department of State Rules published in the 
Federal Register.